
Friday, 23 April 2010

SBA Silver Jubilee Show

Society of Botanical Artists Silver Jubilee Show 2010 and Diploma Seminar

I managed to make it to Westminster Central Hall for the Silver Jubilee show and to the student seminar on the 17th April 2010. It was a most enjoyable day and a pleasure to meet the tutors and fellow students.
I participated in a number of the short tours delivered by tutors and came away with lots of 'food for thought'. I particularly enjoyed hearing what Margaret Stevens had to say. She has a wealth of experience and was my tutor for four assignments. She used computer images to analyse some of the works on show in detail - this was extremely enlightening and revealing!
I also managed to submit 5 works for this years exhibition and had all accepted (although one was not shown). I am extremely grateful for the service that Jackie Gethin provides and she has submitted work on my behalf a number of times. There is no doubt that I would not be able to participate in the show without her assistance simply because I live so far away. To my surprise I was awarded a Certificate of Botanical Merit for my Scots thistle seedhead (detail from the study pictured above) , and, was highly commended for the Joyce Cumming Award for the same drawing - something that I hadn't even considered! Again thanks to Jackie for collecting the award on my behalf at the opening ceremony. Better start work now for next years show!


  1. Wow, this is fantastic--no wonder you got awards. It's great so see such beautiful work in graphite, which is one of my favorite mediums (though I don't do anything remotely close to this sort of work). Congratulations!

  2. Beautiful drawing. I once tried my hand at a similar fruit, but alas, I simply cannot keep track of this sort of complexity. I quickly lose track of which spine it is that I am working on, and foreshortening the things is above my meager talent! ;-)
