
Friday, 23 April 2010

SBA Assignment 4, Flower Studies and SBA Exhibition surprise award!

flower library
Assignment 4, Flower studies...must take a better photo!

This assignment involved painting a library of  seven flowers, which must include a yellow or white flower.  Again lots to choose from so went for different coloured flowers and different flower shapes, trumpet, umbel etc.  I chose yellow rather than white because for me it's more challenging. Flowers are: Alcea rosa, Crocosmia 'Lucifer', Digitalis purpurea, Hydranga macrophylla, Gentiana septemfida, Trapoleum majus. Sorry I've chopped the image will post a better one later. Not too challenging. I think I'd like to do more of the same.

paphio flower
Detail of the Paphio
I spaced the flower head evenly to cover the page in a balanced way, placing the Hydrangea at the centre. It worked out ok. My tutor for this assignment is Course President Margaret Stevens.

A good mark for this, best one yet, a very slightly dodgy alignment on the hollyhock reproductive parts was the only criticism. I missed that.She particularly liked the paphio and the hydrangea. She said she would like to include this and the previous leaf assignment in the DLDC exhibit at the Westminster but I need to remind her, and send it back to her in plenty of time.

A certificate in Botanical Merit form the SBA 
This month I also exhibited with the SBA, having gone a bit mad with the extra Graphite in January, working on getting the depth of tone right.  I completed a number of studies of things I'd grown from seed the previous year and submitted them with a few other for the annual SBA show. I was lucky enough to have all 5 accepted in Feb! I visited the exhibition and was delighted to find out that I'd been awarded a Certificate in Botanical Merit for my Scots Thistle Seed head. I was also highly commended for the Joyce Cumming Award!  There's and entry about it on the excellent Making a Mark blog 

Scots Thistle seed head which was awarded a Certificate of Botanical Merit at the SBA Annual Exhibition and also highly commended for the Joyce Cumming Award. Bit of a pale photo so some details below.
Dried Artichoke drawing also exhibited at the SBA
Detail from the Scots thistle

Detail from the Scots thistle

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